Blogger Templates

Thursday 29 December 2011

aku dpt kek SECRET RECIPE lh !!

walaupun hri jdi ku telh leps..
tp still dlm bln 12 lg ea..
aq lhir 16/12/? .,
sgt bt aq trsnym mlm ny..
aq dpt a slice of cake lh !!!!
SECRET RECIPE plk tu !!!
aq th npe ipin beli 2.,mmg lh tok aq n muna..
n mst sbb nnt befday dy.,dy nk dpt 2 potg kek
so..kteowg kne lh bls gk t..heheee
tp..x kesh lh tu...
yg pntg...
his a first guy among my boyfriends that gave me a cake even for a slice..
TQ so much DudE !!! =))))))))))))))